Dec 29, 2009 17:59

Author: themostepotente
Recipient: raitala
Title: The Pocketwatch Chronicles
Pairing: Harry/Draco, so brief you'll blink if you miss it Draco/OMC and Harry/OMC, mentions of Snape/Lily
Summary: When an antique pocketwatch sends Harry and Draco back in time, they must work together if they've any hope of returning home.
Rating: Hard R
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: AU/AR, time-travel, steampunk genre, past established relationship, Veela!Draco, snarkery, humour, drinking, La Fée Verte, a wee bit of violence/blood, appearances by Snape, character death (canon and OC - definitely not Harry or Draco)
Word Count: ~25,000 words
Epilogue Compliant?: EWE
Author's Notes: ♥ Happy H/D Hols, Rai! You are one of my favourite fan artists, so I was all flaily when I received your prompt. You brighten my day, sweetie, and fandom is very lucky to have you on board. You enrich us all in so many ways I can't even begin to count ♥

You asked for Veela!Draco, I delivered. You asked for Draco-centric, I delivered. Fic is divided into firstly Harry's pov and secondly Draco's pov. I really hope you enjoy this, my dear. Happiest of Holidays, Rai!

More notes at the bottom of the fic.

To Bry, Cheryl and Tara, I offer my undying gratitude for all of their patience and support. Betaed by B, B and R. I am indebted to you three :-)

( The Pocketwatch Chronicles )

ewe, round: winter 2009, [long/chaptered fic], rated: r

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