Dec 02, 2009 00:00

Author: marguerite_26
Recipient: froggie
Title: Savage
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: In a post-war world that lives in fear and ignorance of werewolves, Draco Malfoy has taken every step to keep his condition hidden. When the delicate balance of his life shatters in a single moment, it is Harry Potter alone standing in his defence.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All ( Read more... )

ewe, round: winter 2009, rated: nc-17, [fic]

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Comments 198

mystressxoxo December 2 2009, 05:35:08 UTC
Wow, very nice. And what a ride that was! Great job! =^;^=


marguerite_26 January 18 2010, 15:21:23 UTC
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it!


soul_bound_8686 December 2 2009, 06:30:39 UTC
I enjoyed this. I really loved Territorial!Draco and the whole mate dynamic. I'm a sucker for that, always. The "pack" and the plot of the fic as a whole were very clever ideas, and your writing flows beautifully. Great work!


marguerite_26 January 18 2010, 15:29:58 UTC
Thank you so much! I loved writing this Draco that had all these instincts that he didn't quite know what to do with. I'm thrilled you enjoyed it.


yellownovella December 2 2009, 06:30:47 UTC
Uh, woah. I really love the idea of a full-fledged Werewolf hunt going on - and that maybe everything isn't the cheery aftermath JKR seemed to have painted in the Epilouge. Draco is so believeable, and so is Harry. Teddy was a nice touch, what with the attack and everything. Very nicely done!


marguerite_26 January 21 2010, 18:22:30 UTC
Awe. What a lovely comment. Thank you. :D


(The comment has been removed)

marguerite_26 January 21 2010, 18:23:15 UTC
Thanks, so much! I'm glad you liked the details.

and a Nano novel about werewolves??? delish!


nursedarry December 2 2009, 09:26:15 UTC
An extremely compelling read, and I'm not even into this kink! Mods, I loved the fact that there was a full moon the night this was posted and, funnily enough, my iPod shuffled a certain Duran Duran song on my way to work this morning. A wonderful read!


marguerite_26 January 21 2010, 18:24:23 UTC
duran duran!!! FTW! I wonder if the mods planned the post around the moon! LOL

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. I really appreciate your comment. :D


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