Title: A Wizard's Memory
ravenna_c_tanGift Fic for:
charlotteschaosWord Count: 5900
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: It's fanfic and we know it.
Beta-reader: TBA
Summary: At a big Christmas party, Harry runs into the one person he thinks he wants to forget.
A Wizard's Memory )
I must have been on a deadline when the reveal took place for this fest because I'm sooooo late replying to people's comments!
I'm so glad you liked this story! It was the first real reunion story of this type I wrote. I've written dozens of H/D stories before but it was the first time I tried this angle. And yeah, it was fun to try to have Harry grow and learn in the course of one short story.
I hope replies are like wedding gifts. Still good within one year...? :)
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