HAPPY BIRTHDAY meglw0228!!!

Feb 28, 2012 20:54

HAPPY BIRTHDAY meglw0228!!!

Art from anon

Ficlet from kjp_013

Title: I Never
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~600
A/N: Hope you like this piece of silliness! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Summary: Harry and friends play a simple game.

I never... drank alcohol.


The small group laughed as they all downed their shots. A nice easy one to begin always started the night off with a giggle. Harry reached for the bottle to refill his glass and smiled. He hadn't wanted to return to school, but after a few weeks of laughing, joking and simply being a teenager again, he was glad he had.

I never... had friends outside of my house.


The entire group toasted each other at that one. It had been a strange couple of weeks when they first started back. The houses were still divided and people tended to stick with their own. That had all changed when Pansy had marched straight over to the Gryffindor table, shifted Seamus over and sat herself down next to Harry. She had apologised, waited for Harry's nod of recognition, and waved Draco and Blaise over to join them. And they hadn't got rid of them since. Not that Harry minded, of course, it just made him smile to rile Draco up.

I never... broke a school rule.


That one was easy, Harry thought. Especially as they were currently hiding out in the disused Muggle Studies classroom playing a drinking game while drinking alcohol. Even Neville, Head Boy extraordinaire, had joined in. Raising his glass along with his friends, Harry laughed and downed it in one.

I never... kissed a girl.


Harry shuddered as he drank. Not that he hated all the kisses he'd had with girls; no, he enjoyed some of them very much. It was just the last one. It hadn't been bad, per se, it had just been followed by a knee to the groin. Ouch. She really hadn't liked Harry moaning someone else's name in the heat of the moment. Even if had been a fictional character's.

I never... had sex.


Oh, yes. Sex. Harry liked sex. A lot. He was a teenage boy, after all. It wasn't much of a secret either, not after that time in the quidditch changing rooms, any way. Harry was surprised to note that everyone taking a drink-even Neville downed his drink with a flourish. It was nice to see everyone was getting some action; he was just glad he didn't have to actually hear them.

I never... fantasised about a teacher.


Did fantasising about killing a teacher count? Apparently, it did, as the compulsion to drink was very strong. Harry shuddered as he saw Hermione's eyes gloss over, thankful for the no questions rule. He really didn't want to know who the hell was she fantasising about.

I never... had sex with a boy.


Harry drank without even thinking. He downed the whiskey and held his empty glass up for a refill, finally noticing the silence and confused looks on everybody's faces. Harry looked around and realised instantly what was wrong: four glasses were empty. The sight of Hermione and Pansy's empty glasses was not surprising in the least; the entire group had walked in on Ron and Hermione, and Pansy and Blaise at some point or other in the past few months. Harry looked towards Draco and shrugged. Draco smiled and scooted over to sit beside Harry.

Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around Draco. He really was the happiest he could ever remember being and it was all down to the least expected person in the whole wizarding world.

“Okay,” Harry finally said, “game's over. Any questions?”

“Yeah,” Ron said, crossing his arms. “What took you so long?”

Harry looked at Draco and kissed him. “I have no idea.”

happy birthday!, pressies for: meglw0228, gifter: kjp_013

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