Title: Happy Birthday
Author: thekams
Rating: PG
Word Count: 683
Disclaimer: I own nothing, only borrow
Notes: Mostly pure fluff, and un-betad...be warned.
Harrry stared at the shops around him in dismay. Draco’s birthday was only days away, and Harry had no idea what to get the boy. So far, he’d spent most of his Hogsmeade weekend wandering around in his Invisibility Cloak trying to come up with a present for the person who has everything. He was getting cold, tired and hungry and he couldn’t help thinking that presents were overrated, anyway.
He had given up and was about to head to the Threebroomsticks to meet Ron and Hermione when something in the window of a tiny shop caught his eye. The shop was new in town, it carried a mix of muggle and wizard merchandise. Stopping, Harry walked towards the shop to get a better look at what it was that had managed to grab his attention. When he finally saw what it was, his jaw dropped. No, I wouldn’t! It would be an invitation to have an argument, and that’s something I don’t need this close to the end of school. I wouldn’t. For some reason, his legs did not seem to agree with his mind, and he walked into the store, shedding his cloak as he went. Oh, I would.
Harry spent the next few days alternating between thinking nervously about the wrapped birthday present stashed under his bed, and trying to fend off Draco’s incessant question on what he would be receiving for his birthday. The boy just didn’t understand the meaning of a surprise.
Draco’s birthday finally arrived, and Harry sat on pins and needles all day. He’s going to hate, I know he is. Why, why do I do these things?! Draco had recently started trying to guess what he was going to get, and with every guess Harry felt his chest fill with dread. He’s going to hate it.
By the time midnight rolled around, Harry was all but shaking. Grabbing his cloak, map and the birthday gift he quickly - but silently - fled his room and tiptoed out of the common room. The trip to the Room of Requirement was uneventful, and when Harry arrived he breathed a sigh of relief to find that Draco wasn’t there yet, and that Dobby and delivered the cake and Butterbeer (as per agreement). Tossing his cloak and map on top of the mantle (carefully avoiding the fire) he then set the present down beside the cake. Himself he plopped down on the sofa, and waited.
Surprisingly, he didn’t have to wait very long. Within only a moment, the door eased open and Draco slipped inside, he face lighting up in a smile when he saw Harry, the cake and the gift. He rushed over to the couch and sank down beside Harry.
“You got me a cake, too?”
Harry just nodded and motioned to the gift. “You can find out what I got you, now.”
Draco grinned and scooped the present up off the table. Into ripped into the green and gold paper, letting it fall to the floor, and peeled off the Spellotape holding the box closed. Harry stared into the fire as he felt Draco go still beside him. He looked back to Draco just in time to see him reach into the box and remove the little green and silver stuffed dragon.
Harry fidgeted. “Well, it’s…it’s a dragon for my Dragon. Everyone should have a dragon to keep them happy.” He smiled slightly. “I know mine does.”
Draco just stared at him. Harry was so busy staring at the stuffed dragon that Draco had lowered back onto the table that he failed to notice Draco’s grin. Suffice it to say, he was a little stunned to find his arms full of blonde Slytherin not moments after the toy had been set on the table. He fell backwards on the couch with a grunt, arms instinctively wrapping around Draco’s waist.
“Harry!” Draco cried, raining kisses down on his face. “That’s so cute!”
Harry smiled in relief and kissed Draco back. “Glad to hear it!”
Draco kissed him again, the food and smiling little dragon forgotten, for the moment.