Originally posted by
anokaba at
HD_Fluff Art: SoulmarksTitle: Soulmarks
anokabaRating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Word Count/ Art Medium: Photoshop
Warnings (if any): Shirtless Men Ahoy!
Disclaimer: JK Rowling retains the ownership of all characters and settings borrowed from the Harry Potter series of books.
Summary: Harry and Draco wake up with soulmate marks after a drunken night together. Harry's mark is rather inconspicuous so he doesn't notice it at first, nor realizes its significance. And while Draco tends to avoid looking at the faded reminder of his past, this new addition is difficult to ignore - especially how much it screams "LOOK AT ME, I'M POTTER'S!.
Author's notes: Drawn for
hd_fluff's prompt 124- soulmate marks, matching tattoos or other marks that indicate "we belong together". Trying out some different styles/brushes and working with light. Or perhaps I'm just lazy!