Yay! It's time to get those art prompts ready!
The fest will be open for prompt submissions starting Tuesday, July 1 at 8am EDT. While you wait, use these templates to get your prompting juices flowing. For a look at unclaimed prompts from some of our previous years, go
here. Also, feel free to resubmit your prompt from last year if it wasn't claimed.
The 2014 Harry/Draco Art Fest will be accepting prompts
July 1st through July 10th!
Prompt Instructions and Templates
Each person is allowed to submit up to three prompts using either one of the following formats.
EITHER: A drabble or scene (word limit ~ 250)
A drabble prompt may be something written specifically for the prompt, or an already existing drabble, or an short excerpt from an existing fic. If you are not the author of the work, please get permission from the author before submitting it. When you submit your prompt please state you have permission to use it, credit the author (even if it is yourself) and include a link to the original work. The author and link will not be revealed until the artwork is posted in the fest.
Drabble: Maximum rating:Squicks: Author of Drabble:Link to the original (if previously posted):I have permission to use this drabble (if prompter is not the author): (must be Yes)
OR: Use at least three or more of the following categories:
1. Time-period or theme (School years, Epilogue compliant, Post war, Eighth year, Auror training, Pirates, Veela, Vampire, etc)
2. Place (Hogwarts, garden, Quidditch match, broom closet, Malfoy Manor, etc)
3. Emotion (passion, love, anger, anxiety, happiness, sadness, angst, etc)
4. Sense (touch, sight, taste, smell, sound)
5. Object (Slytherin/Gryffindor tie, peacock feather, flower, magic spell, flying broom, etc)
6. Action (kiss, hex, lick, slam against the wall, holding hands, etc)
7. Mood (darkness, fog/mist, sunlight/moonlight, firelight/candlelight, storm, sunrise/sunset, heat, freezing, etc)
You must include a prompt from AT LEAST three categories in your request, but including more than three will give artists more flexibility and may increase the chances of your request being claimed. Artists will include a minimum of three requested prompts.
Time-period or theme: Place: Emotion:Sense:Object:Action:Mood: Maximum rating:Squicks: This will be an anonymous fest where everyone is invited to submit a prompt. Prompters will remain anonymous to the artists until posting. Artists will remain anonymous until the end of the fest. To ensure anonymity, all prompt submissions will be screened, then transferred to a separate post for claiming.
Remember: Anyone can make a request whether you plan to claim one or not.
This is not the prompting post! The prompting post will go up on Tuesday, July 1st!