Here is your Claiming Information
and the Prompt Claiming Template!
The Claiming Post will go up on Friday, July 12th, when claiming opens.
All prompts will be listed on the Prompt Perusal Post and are identified with a Prompt Number.
Prompt Perusal List 1 (Prompts #1 - 59) Prompt Perusal List 2 (Prompts #60 - 90) In choosing a prompt, keep in mind that for the multiple categories prompt (Place, emotion, sense, etc.), you must include a minimum of three of the suggested elements.
Take note of three Prompt Numbers you like and rate them as first, second, or third choice. If you don't have three prompts that you like, you may choose just one or two, but be aware there are no promises that you will get it. Claiming will be on a first come, first served basis.
The following are the time zones for Friday's claiming:
6am in San Francisco (PDT)
8am in Chicago (CDT)
9am in New York (EDT)
2pm in London (GMT)
3pm in Berlin (CEST)
9pm in Far East
11pm in Sydney, Australia (EST)
1am Saturday morning in New Zealand
If for some reason you aren't available when claiming opens, you may ask someone to claim a prompt for you by proxy. Just make sure they have all of your relevant information. Prompt claiming will remain open until October 1st, so late claims and second and even third claims are welcome.
Copy and paste from this template, filling in the required fields:
Artist name:E-mail address that is checked regularly (required!):First choice prompt #:Second choice prompt #:Third choice prompt #: First time or returning participant?Over age 18? (you must be over 18 to submit NC-17 art) Submit this information in the form of a comment on the Claiming Post, which will be posted Friday, July 12th at 8am (CDT). All comments will be screened. You will receive an email which will tell you whether you received your first, second or third choice - along with the prompt number and other relevant information.
Some advance submission notes: Remember that this is an anonymous fest and that ALL art MUST be new and drawn specifically for the Fest. It should NOT be signed or posted anywhere else until after the Reveal. Also, NC-17 art will not be accepted from anyone under the age of 18. If you're underage, please use good judgment and submit an age-appropriate piece. If you're unsure of what is acceptable, please email us!
This is not the claiming post!
If you have questions, please ask here, or email the mods at hdfanart(at)gmail(dot)com.
Information & Pimping Banner ♥
Prompt Templates and Instructions ♥
Prompt Submission Post ♥
Prompt Perusal Posts ♥
Prompt Claiming Info and Template