Title: The tattoo (2)
mijeliRating: PG
Materials Used: photoshop
Warning: top nudity, smoking
Notes: Sort of the follow-up to
The tattoo (1) - but can also stand alone :) I hope you like it!
His tattoo is slowly healing.. is Draco, too?
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Comments 38
*Huggles you hard&
Do you want me to say something really disappointing about that green line? *grin* Your choice! It's actually just a sketch line, because his face was giving me a harder time than the rest... so I sketched it in a different document, and in a bright colour so it'd stand out of the other lines later. In the end, I left it, because I thought it looked alright :)
But OMG I'M SO EXCITED IT SPEAKS TO YOU LIKE THIS AFTER ALL :)) *loves Pie!interpretation* Thank you, my dear. I'm really glad you like it ♥
ETA: Hey!! It did show me a black spoiler bar in the preview... ):
Awww. It doesn't matter what you say about the green line. I like it there! it matches well with the bit of red in Tattoo one. You know in canon, Red is the good color and green is the evil, but often it's the other way around and that's what I see here. Red as hell, Green as life. So it makes sense *nods*
Is that midline scar from Sectumsempra?
And yes, it's the Sectumsempra scars. I love drawing them so much, and I love reading about them, and I ...think I have a kink for them. Hee. In my imagination, they make him this imperfectly-beautiful that's so exciting.
I really like the faint outline of green, too :)
Thank you! ♥ I'm happy to hear that.
;) Thank you! I find him hard to envision on the spot, but he keeps ...flowing on the paper. I'm glad you like him!
So very gorgeous, dear.
(And Harry will always complain about "ew, the taste!", but secretly he likes to watch.)
Thank you! I'm glad you like it.
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