Title: Whipped cream
ile-oMedia: Photoshop/wacom tablet/pervert mind
Rating: R
Notes: I have like 3 reason why I did this... explain under the cut...
1st. I did this because I told Dyson she deserved this because of a fic she wrote some time ago (I still cry when I read that line. I.SWEAR. *overkills ile*)
2nd. I am SO STRESSED OUT!!!! tomorrow I have this...date or whatever and ....blah blah u get the idea... *it's a bundle of nerves right now*
3rd. This goes for the colouring book... I swear the deluxe edition will include the colour pencils or something as well and well... probably the only ones you'll need would be skin colour, yellow and... omg that's it! hahahaha... well a pink one if you wanna like make them flush or something (Black's no included because Harry's hair will be already printed all filled in already P: )