Title: mistletoe (spoiler, higlight to see later) >_> Author/Artist:piyo_oyip Rating: PG-13 i guess Warnings: the images are big Disclaimer: If it were up to me, M-preg would have been a common occurrence at the wizard world. it's based on JK Rowling's story. I make no money from this. Summary: Draco is a master of trickery ;D
It's my first time posting here. If I made any mistake, please forgive me T_T. I hope the lj cut works. It's supposed to be for Christmas, but I procrastinated all the way till now. I want to finish it before school starts, so I just colored the sketches that I have. Hopefully people can understand the story although it's very messy.
ps: I was posting this before at harry_draco community and was suggested by some good people to put it here as well. So this is my very first post, hopefully I did not make any mistake. ^^