Jan 16, 2010 12:18
We're slowly coming up on February, which, if you remember from last year, we officially renamed H/D ♥ Month!
Artists, get out your pencils, pens, paintbrushes, chalk, drawing tablets, etc and see what wonderful creations you can come up with. Be it schmoopy, lovey, sappy H/D art, (because I'm a sap) or whatever else comes to your creative minds when you think of Harry, Draco, and ♥'s! Declarations of love, reunions, proposals, gifts, parties, floating pink and read hearts, hot Valentine's Day sex, manipulative friends locking our boys in the closet to make them see the light, and oh, did I mention hot Valentine's Day sex?!? Oh, I did? Okay, I won't mention it again. *G*
It can be new art, just for this glorious occasion, or previously done art that fits in with the theme. We will start posting on approximately Feb 1st, and continue posting until the end of February as long as we have art. :-D Simply email us your art along with the title, rating, and whatever other info you'd like included and we'll take care of the posting for you. If you'd rather post it to your own journals that's okay too. Just send us the link and we'll include it on the post here, along with any pertinent info. That way all the posts will be uniform. (And I'll get to use my cool, H/D ♥ Month icon again! w00t!)
So start planning that perfect Valentine's Day piece now, and send it to hdfanart@gmail.com when you're done!!!
Any questions? Ask away!
ETA: If there are any artists who would also be interested in doing a little favor for us that would be due around Feb 25, please email us and we'll tell you more about it. *smiles secretively* Thank you awesome mystery artists! :-D
art fest-h/d heart month info,
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