Mods, I hope this is allowed here!
This offer is not completely altruistic, as I want something in return.
I took a watercolor class several years ago, and loved it. I want to do a water colour of something from the Harry Potter fandom, either Harry/Draco, or Albus/Scorpuis, any of them as individuals, or Luna, or the castle, or the Lake,anything. But the thing is I can't draw to save my life. But I know there are people in fandom that can draw.
So what I'd like and what I'm suggesting is that for any sketch, simple is better,anyone is willing to do for me from the world of Harry Potter, I will donate an amount of money. The amount to be determined based on how many offers I get, up to total of $200.00 If I get 10 offers, it will be $20.00 each, if I only get 4 offers, then $50.00 each.
Any style, any design, and any size as long as it's more than 5X7 is acceptable, it can even be some of your earlier sketches that later turned in to full blown art. , I'll want to be able to copy it so I can try different shades and colour combinations. And if I finish my project and like it, I'll share it here, and give credit to the original artists. As it will actually be their work, I'll just be treating it like a colouring book.
This will help me meet a couple of my goals this year. 1) give 25.00 a month to a charity-it's a bit over the 25.00, but it's for a really good cause, and 2) finish an 8x10 watercolour this year. Plus I get original artwork.. *grin*
Anyone interested, contact me at