Title: Boy Clothes and Winter Solace 1
horcruxhymen Rating: G
Materials Used: SAI, Wacom
BOY CLOTHES: This was just something done on a whim so that I don't only have my angsty winter piece.
WINTER SOLACE 1: Angsty piece. Cuz we got no snow.
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Title: Deatheater Propaganda
horcruxhymen Rating: NC17
Materials Used: Photoshop 11, Wacom
Notes: This is definately not work safe. This is also not for you if you don't appreciate elements of shota or crossdressing.
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Link Title: Love Him
horcruxhymen Rating: PG
Materials Used: Photoshop 11, Wacom
Notes: Just a piece I made for a friend that makes a really great icon. :)
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