Rec: Blind Beauty by SlashPervert

Apr 21, 2007 22:08

Blind Beauty by 
slashpervert and
Summary: Darkfic where Harry Potter wakes up naked, tied to a bed, captured and blinded by Death Eaters. He is surprised to find an ally in the form of his guard - Draco Malfoy. Together they come up with a plan to destroy Voldemort. But the personal cost is high and they then have to learn to cope with physical and emotional wounds that may never heal.
Notes: Read the warnings carefully, abuse/incest/blood may be too much for some. Canon to HPB but goes AU from there including some character personality changes triggered by traumatic events.
Word count: 83,500 Words (36 Chapters)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lots! slash, sex details, oral, anal, rimming, bdsm, dom/sub, bondage, pain, blood, dubious con, non-consent, torture, incest, borderline-bestiality, graphic violence, character death, murder.

Link: Blind Beauty (follow the link at the chapter's end to following chapters)

Silver and Gold by romaine 
Summary: A small, torn piece of parchment reached Harry's hands six months before the end of the war. All it said was, "Save the Wolf." The day after the defeat of Voldemort, Harry makes good on his promise to the wizard who sent the note. 
Word count: approx 65,600 Words (10 Chapters)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none

Link: Silver and Gold

hbp-compatible, chaptered, warfic, dark fic, abused harry, post-war, creature fic, incest, post-hogwarts

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