DoM for marguerite_26 - MAY

Jun 25, 2008 19:22

Title: Dom
Author: sunsets_shadows
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied infidelity
Wordcount: 994 words
Recipient: marguerite_26
Keywords: Felix Felicis, cheese, crackers
Dialogue: Feeling lucky, are we?
Summary: One snapshot of two different lives.
Beta Acknowledgement: No beta. I am even more made of fail than I thought.
Author’s note: I’m sorry this is so late. For the last three weeks or so I’ve had an excuse, but it was late before that and it could have been done. I might sometimes be a good pinch-hitter, but apparently as a participant I am made of fail. -_- Sorry!

Felix lifted his wand to check the glamour which smoothed and lightened his hair, changed his eyes to blue, made his nose a little wider, and covered the blemish on his forehead. While he was at it, he cleared the blood off the cut over his eye.

“How,” his partner JP asked, cupping Felix’s head in his left hand and bringing his own wand to Felix’s eye, “did you manage not to lose that eye? I’d’ve sworn I was due for a new partner.”

“My name is Felix, you know, after Felix Felicis. Luckiest man alive.” Felix responded, closing his eyes while the healing spell took effect. It felt like a soft cheese being squished against his eye-not tingly or numb at all. He skimmed his hands gently over JP’s chest, looking for any injury and finding none. “You’re fine?”

JP tossed his black hair away from his brown eyes and smirked in a familiar, but not at all JP-like way. “I’m always fine, Felix.”

Felix smacked him, but smiled, slipping into Harry’s voice. “How’s the fiancée, Malfoy?”

“I’m sure Malfoy’s fiancée is just lovely, Felix,” JP responded, all traces of Malfoy’s sarcastic demeanor gone. “Will you be at the wedding?”

“It depends on what Dom says. Potter probably will be.”

Dom, short for Dominic, was the head of the Department of Mysteries, and his name was no mistake. No one had a ‘real’ name in the DoM. Once one joined, one spent a few weeks training away one’s mannerisms, acquiring a new voice and personality, becoming someone entirely different. Most people never went back to their original identities, but Potter and Malfoy were both too visible in the community to simply vanish. As far as anyone outside the DoM knew, they were both Aurors and still rivals. How this myth persisted in the Auror Department, neither knew. Neither wanted to know.

Felix knelt by the remains of their mission, checking for any traces of Polyjuice or glamours, then rolling the body into its side and yanking the shirt up to check for the tattoo that was supposed to be there. “We’ve got the right guy. Paperwork’ll be a bitch, but they didn’t want him alive so that’s about the only downside.”

“You’re so callous, Felix. What happened to the fresh-faced new recruit who couldn’t wait to save everybody?” JP crouched on the other side of the body, doing his own ‘diagnostics’.

Felix laughed. “He’s working in the Auror Department now, and that’s where he belongs. Are you about done? I think we’re ready to head home.”

“I think so.” JP stood and dusted off his pants, then leaned in and pressed his lips to Felix’s. “Do you think you can file the initial report? I’m Apparating straight home.”

“Sure.” Felix looked the other way so that JP could ‘fix’ his glamour before Apparating; once the crack sounded, he turned in place and Apparated to the Ministry.


Over time, Harry had become adept at casting and removing glamours in the seconds of confusion which entailed Floo travel. Thus, when Felix left work, Harry came home.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Tiny thundering feet echoed from the kitchen hall, and a moment later James hurled himself at Harry, who deftly caught the three-year-old and settled him on his hip.

“Hey, there, James!” he said, beaming. “How was your day with Auntie Andromeda and Teddy?”

“Annie Dromda bringed me blocks! An’ me an’ Teddy builded our house and Annie Dromda taked a pitcher!”

“Wow!” Harry responded with all the enthusiasm of the parent of a three-year-old, moving toward the kitchen. “You little architect, you-where is it?”

James pouted. “Teddy breaked it.” A moment later he brightened again. “But we can fix it, I bet!”

“Don’t worry too much about it.” Harry pushed open the kitchen door, deposited James in his booster seat, and ruffled ten-year-old Teddy’s hair. “I hear you’re teaching my son all about destruction and violence, Teddy, lad?”

Teddy flushed. “That’s what you’re supposed to do with blocks, Dad!” he insisted, spraying cracker crumbs across the table.

“Oh., I know.” Harry leaned in and kissed Andromeda’s cheek. “How’s Al?”

“He’s sleeping,” she answered, gesturing to the baby monitor. “He’ll want feeding when he wakes.”

“Thanks so much for taking care of them, Andromeda.” Harry went to the fireplace, kissing James’ hair as he went, and tossed a pinch of Floo powder into the fire. “Thames River Inn, room 204, Paris,” he called, sticking his head into the flames. “Ginny?”

“Harry!” Ginny jumped up, waving her teammates quiet. Many of them had slightly scorched clothing, and cards were scattered across the table. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight!”

“I got home early, thought I’d call. How was your practice today?”

Ginny shrugged one shoulder, making her uniform shift pleasantly over her chest. “Decent. We’ve got a chance at the game tomorrow, anyway.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “I miss you.”

“Miss you too, sweetheart.” Harry leaned up to kiss his wife. “Teddy and James apparently built our house out of blocks. By the way, James has blocks now.”

“Andromeda really ought to stop spoiling him,” Ginny scolded, but she was smiling. “Don’t forget James’ checkup tomorrow. Did you take the day off work?”

“I won’t, and I did.” Harry waited a moment before proceeding. “Malfoy’s wedding is next month, did you know?”

“I didn’t. Are we going?”

“We’re invited, so I’ll go if you want to.”

Ginny shrugged again. “If I’m in town.” She rubbed at a scorch mark on her nose. “It’ll be a chance to dress up, anyway.”

“Oi, Weasley! It’s your turn, hurry up!”

Ginny bent down and pressed her mouth to Harry’s. “I love you, I love you so much. I’ll call you again in the morning. Goodnight.”

Harry pouted. “I miss you. Can’t you come home for the night?”

She smiled. “Feeling lucky, are we? No, you know I can’t; I’d get in trouble. Kiss the kids goodnight for me, all right?”

“I will. Goodnight, love.”


Again, I apologize for the lateness of this fic. Please forgive?

may 2008, 500-1000 words, rated pg

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