Title: Manly Weapons
lokifan Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ron’s bewildered.
Warnings: none
Challenge: weapon
Disclaimer: The boys belong to JKR, even though I’m often much nicer to them than she is.
Malfoy’s tongue is a weapon. They meet him in any one of a hundred different battlefields - the dungeons, the Great Hall, the Quidditch pitch - and get into it. His face contorts into a sneer, and his tongue slices at them.
Until that hatred starts to fade. Ron doesn’t know why, until he turns a corner one evening and surprises Malfoy sticking that sharp tongue in Harry’s mouth. Harry’s groping him.
Well, Ron thinks, bewildered and blinking at this strange new world; well, if Harry’s brave enough to offer his manly parts up to Malfoy’s deadly tongue, more power to him.