Title: Wrap the night around me
cutecoatiWord Count: 100
Characters: H/D and others, kind of
Rating: PG?
Challenge: Written for
hd100's prompt: Blind
Author's Note: Man, it's been a long time since I contributed something! *stretches writing muscle*
Disclaimer: All JKR's, save the title which I borrowed from U2's Love is blindness.
When you've finally openend your eyes and see that he's no good, it'll be too late for us! Screeching redheads, as if.
I will find out what you're up to, just you wait! A bossy know-it-all, how tiresome.
What a promising choice! A cunning father, concocting schemes and hiding his worries.
You Are Blind Potter He Is Evil Scratchwork on the door, above an awkwardly drawn skull-cum-serpent.
A nudge in the dead of night. My eyes are wide open. You know that, don't you, Draco? Harry.
A lazy nod. And a kiss, no longer sleepy.