Title: A Joy For Ever
cutecoatiChallenge: Winter
Word Count: 100
A/N: Written in anticipation fear of
ell_dee's whip. This is for you, dear! When do I get my spanking? The title is referring to John Keats' beautiful poem
A Thing of Beauty.
The pale winter sun accentuated the many wrinkles on his face, and the few strands which had slipped past the upturned fur collar were as white as the snowflakes on his shoulders. Harry thought he had never seen a thing of greater beauty.
"After all those years," he said dreamily. "We've reached the winter of our lives, and I still love you like on the first day. Even more so."
A snowball hit him in the face, and Draco pumped his fist.
"Nine to five! Honestly, Potter - after all those years, you think you can outwit me by flattery?"