May 20, 2008 09:18
So, HC canceled the Chemistry class I enrolled in. That means I may not have campus housing for May and June. That means I can't stay in Montgomery and take from Dr. Glass. That means I won't have my senior recital ready for Fall semester. That means I run the risk of DG getting worse and not being able to teach Spring Semester and I may not get my senior recital done.
So yeah, I'm pissed at HC. I still haven't gotten a response to my email requesting housing assuming I take Voice for credit over the summer. If they turn that down, my last resort is to beg Kari O to let me stay on-campus despite not being enrolled in a course (hey, I tried!) as long as I pay the fee for housing as if I were taking a course.
Why does the world always work against me when I need it to just play nice?