What the fuck is goin' on??

Jun 11, 2005 21:47

OK ......

What the hell happened?

I know for sure Zach and Jenna's houses got TP'd, and I'm pretty sure that was just supposed to be for fun, like a harmless prank.
But besides that, I don't know what the hell happened.

Here is what I know for anbody who cares:

1) Zach's house got TP'd
2) Jenna's house got TP'd
3) Jenna's Dad saw 5, that's five people, four were tall and one was short, running away from Jenna's house after he spotted them
4) Jenna's Dad let out their dogs after them.
5) Zach had to clean up all the TP off his house
6) Jenna had to clean off the TP off her house

Besides all that, I don't know what happened. Dog shit at Brittany's house, and a bunch of TP?

First lets address the TP:

As I understand it, Zach took the TP to Brittany's house and deposited it in her front lawn in a pile. How is motion of somebody who is "out to get you?" And how is that threatening?

Now the dog shit:

Who the fuck has that little of a heart to do that? I didn't think that I knew anybody who was that low down and dirty. I know for sure Zach is not, he may had deposited the TP, but never, ever the dog shit. Brit, you should know that Bryan, Zander, me (Khris), or anybody else in either of our two groups would bring ourselves down to that level.

As to who blamed who:

I don't think anybody really blames anybody else for what happened. I really don't think anybody was mad about the TPing. The dog shit is very understandable to be upset about. (I would be too) Zach brought the TP to brit's house simply because she is the only one who seemed to fit Mr. Hertz's description. ( The were 5 people, 4 were tall and one was much shorter)

My opinion on this whole thing.

The people who TP'd Zach's house should be damn proud of themselves. Apparently they did a fucking amazing job at it. Also the fact that they got away with it is sweet. I've seen Zach's house and there is a huge window right in the front, so whoever pulled it off, mad props to them. The people who did Jenna's house, seeing as you're probobly the same who did zach's, good job for hitting both houses, I guess too bad you never got to finish it before you got caught. As to the person(s) who put dog shit ar Brittany's house .... GO PLAY HIDE AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

I'm finished here.
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