
Jan 29, 2007 18:30

Sometimes, you come across a news story and it makes you so angry that you can't help but blog about it. This is that news story: (I'm gonna copy paste it because it's in the Ottawa Sun breaking news section so I'm pretty sure the link's gonna change tomorrow).

Ottawa U expels twins, 10, now faces human rights complaint

Two 10-year-old twins are taking the University of Ottawa to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

The twins, along with their mother Wendy Foster, decided to file their complaint after the school expelled the kids from their Science in Society course.

The university says it made a mistake when it allowed the twins to enroll in the course last fall.

The brothers, Sebastien and Douglas Foster, allege age discrimination and request reparation. They say the university recognized their status, accepted their fees, issued them student cards and allowed them to complete more than half the term before expelling them.
The twins and their supporters are holding a press conference Wednesday at the university.

The University responded to the accusations by stating that the expulsion had nothing to do with age, but rather the fact that the twins had neither a high school diploma, nor were they in the process of obtaining a high school diploma, which is a requirement necessary for acceptance as a student.


I don't know who I'm more angry at; probably the family. In the news report, the mother and the twins look really dumb. I mean, the twins aren't even those brainiacs which can complete university when they're 12; they're actually dumb. The mother is really stupid too and she's one of those people who just wants her picture and name in the paper. The human rights challenge is probably being taken on by a lawyer for free because he/she also wants the publicity. She's seeking reparation from the school for damages and whatnot, even though the president called them personally when the school found out about the mistake and offered to refund their fee in full. She of course turned it down because she's dense. The above article also mentions that the twins "and their supporters" are holding a press conference. Who, in their right mind, would support these trailer park rejects!? (no offense to anyone who lived or is currently living in a trailer park) Why the hell does the university even give them space to do a press conference!? If I happen to run into this press conference on Wednesday, I WILL start a shouting match with the slow and dim-witted mother to show the world just how stupid she is.

Now, the university. I'm really loving this school but can it really be that oblivious to two 10 year old twins!? I mean, I know you don't really matter in university, but SURELY someone had to notice these kids! Maybe when they got their photo IDs? Maybe when they attended one or half a semeter worth of classes? Or when they kept saying "I can't go to the party tonight because I'm being babysat while my mom goes out to MacDonald's for her date with her cousin." How did they get accepted in the first place? I mean, I know U of O is somewhat eager to boost their acceptance, but don't they check grades or documentation!? Did the whole process that I and everyone else in university across Canada go through just a big ruse?

I hope this case gets thrown out the instant the incompetent mother and her attention whore lawyer step into a court. If they were to win (which I'm sure won't even come close to happening), that would set a dangerous precedence for anyone and everyone who ever wanted to "go to university." There have been wonder kids who have completed high school when they are like 10 and graduated from a university shortly thereafter so how can this be ageist? This is not discrimination based on age, it's discrimination based on you and your sons being dumbasses.
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