Oct 24, 2006 19:04
October 24th, 2006 - My House
This letter is four years late. Sorry. Better late than never right? Four years. Wow. That is way too long. That's what happens when you write actual letters. E-mail and MSN messages are so much easier to reply to! It's just write and send, without thinking about any consequences or about the coherence of the message. Physical letters are more personal, which is why I'm replying via my blog. Ha. I don't know your address (even though you searched for mine when you sent your letter to me. I don't know how you found it. You didn't even include my postal code, but luckily Mr. Postman found my house). I don't even know where you are now. I think I remember someone saying something about how you're currently attending a university on the East Coast? Maritimes REPRESENT. I don't know if you'll ever even read this. But who knows! Stranger things have happened.
Now to answer some of the questions in your letter. My summer vacation: well, that summer was very uneventful. I don't remember doing much, if anything at all. I wasn't old enough to work, and I was between schools so I didn't know anyone from my new school yet, and I only saw a few people from my old school. Come to think of it, I haven't kept in touch with ANYONE from that old school. The only times I talk to people from that school now are only if they're at my university. Time passes, people move on. That's life. I hope your summer at the cottage went well, eventually. I hope the cousins added some jump to the proceedings, and I hope your brother didn't drive you too crazy. It sounded like you had tons to do, stuff I would never do because a) I don't have a cottage and b) I'm not too fond of the outdoors if only for the pure fact that there are bugs. I hate bugs, especially the biting ones. They suck the most (no pun intended). That's why, when I do have to spend an extended amount of time outdoors, I wear long sleeved clothing which makes me hot, and that makes me cranky, which makes me hate the outdoors even more. It's a vicious cycle.
That course I was taking was a music theory course. On the exam, I had like a 90 something so that was very good. I took the next grade the year after and did a little bit worse, but the courses really helped me with my musical knowledge which would come in handy in my high school's music courses. I was such a dork, taking music theory courses in the summer. Hahaha.
I hope you saw more people when you came back. Talking to Kate for 20 minutes on the phone didn't seem like a lot of time, even though I'm pretty sure you didn't talk to her or see her a lot after that time anyways. I liked your Justin Timberlake reference in "Cry Me A River" but I don't think you or I knew it was a Justin Timberlake reference because that album came out in November of that year.
Sophie's party. Wow. What a weird/fun/sexy time :P. I didn't remember much of that, or any of the other times we had until I found and read this letter a few days ago. I do remember awkwardly touching your arm the whole movie. What was it again? The Bourne Identity? Yes. I think that was it. That part where the guy jumps through the white window pane still makes me jump every single time. When the movie was done, we went to the restaurant next to the Silver City but I remember not talking to you because you were at the other end of the table. I don't think we even said goodbye to each other that day which was why I was very surprised (in a good way) to see a letter from you show up in my mailbox a few weeks later.
I do remember that time when we were working on the French project at my house. What the project was, I don't remember. When it was, I don't remember. I only remembered that we did a French project after (again,) reading your letter. I think I can answer honestly now that I wasn't "yanking your chain" when I asked "what would happen if I kissed you." I have a strong feeling that you probably wouldn't have slapped me. In your letter, you said you were thinking a lot about that and I can guess why. Looking back, we did a lot of flirting, not just then, but for the rest of the year. But again, those were my formidable dork years. Why you, a pretty girl, were even remotely attracted to me (a "mutual admiration" if you will), I will never know.
Now back to why I didn't reply to your letter sooner. I was probably hoping for that call you promised when you got back. I didn't know when you got back so writing a letter in reply wasn't that great of an option for me. I think I always wanted to reply, but I put it off. Days became weeks, which became months, which has now ultimately turned into 4 years and a bit. I guess that's why things have always been awkward when we've seen each other in these past 4 years. Not that I ever remembered what happened, but I think you did, and you probably hated me for it. But it has been four years. You've been loved, you've had your heart broken. What would have happened to us, we'll never know. Part of me doesn't want to. If I could go back and change things, I wouldn't, and I don't think you would either. I've liked my life and how it's turned out and I'm hoping you have too.
Well, if you ever get this, we should get together, just to catch up over coffee or something. I'm still waiting on that call :P (not really). You'll probably find some way to reach me. You did it before, you can do it again. I'm not that crafty.
Not So Mad Love
Non Muchos Amores
Un Peu D'Amour