Make Drugs, Not Whore

Sep 30, 2006 17:18

First off, I must concede defeat. A few weeks back in my September 14th blog, I was being cocky and wrote the following:

"Same goes for the next version of Survivor. The producers went with something controversial enough to get people talking. $20 says that tonight's premiere and this season of Survivor will be their highest rated in years."

Man. Was I ever wrong. Even though it won the ratings war of that particular night (I'm pretty sure that Grey's, CSI, The Office, and whatever else is on Thursday nights didn't premiere until the following week), "it was the smallest audience watching a "Survivor" debut since the reality show started in 2000" (Source). To my loyal blog readers, I'm sorry I let you down. I will never, ever again make predictions about the ratings of a television show again. Like back in 2003, when I said this show would be the highest rated show of all time, or back in 2005, when I said this show would be a ratings menace. Never again.

Speaking of loyal blog readers, some of you haven't been too loyal. On my Myspace alone, my blog statistics tell me I've had around 401 readers to my blog but ONLY 6 comments (half of which were from Norah). That's a read to comment ratio of about 66:1. Don't get me started on my MSN Space. Over 2000 views and maybe like 10-15 comments. I wanna know how you feel after reading my blogs! If you've been touched, emotionally, let me know! If you're angry, let me know! If you want me to "shut the fuck up," let me know as well! I'll think about what you said, and then talk even more, thereby pissing you off so you are compelled to write even more "shut the fuck ups" on my comment page! It all makes perfect sense.

Maybe I should make like this woman and this woman and have giveaways of memorabilia from my Emmy Award winning show. That will get me the comments I need!

In case you didn't catch it, I've now started copying/pasting my blogs to yet ANOTHER webpage on the internet. That's right, you can read Enoch's random thoughts and ramblings on Myspace, on MSNSpace, and his triumphant return to LiveJournal. I refuse to write three separate entries, copying/pasting is hard enough.

Time for a change of topic. That's right, here comes the deep stuff again, falling on my head like a memory.

Hugs. It is the most loving form of human communication and if done properly, shows someone you care. You might be asking: "what's an improper way to hug?" Answer: when there's any type of cupping or grabbing involved. The kiss is reserved for like loving couples and whatnot, but the hug, it's for everyone. I like hugs. It shows a mutual admiration for one another; if you don't like someone, you would never hug them. A hug also should make someone feel better. It lets a person know that you care. I've given a lot of hugs this past week for a variety of reasons and each hug was just a little different. Different kinds: the virtual hug, the group hug, the I haven't seen you in a few days and I missed you hug, the I haven't seen you in a few lifetimes hug, the goodbye hug, the second goodbye hug, and of course, the goodbye virtual group hug because I haven't seen you between a few days and ages.

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