Dusting off the Cobwebs

Jan 30, 2005 10:01

Updating this thing semi-frequently has turned into a monthly affair. But, what is there to talk about?

Yesterday was my "Play Day" which saw me attend two plays on their closing days. Both plays had a connection to me. Both plays were very good. Both plays were very different. First up, in the matinee time slot was "The Water Company," a clown's adaptation of Dante's Inferno staring the one and only Nick Di Gaetano aka former Insight Drama Coach (who isn't?). In the evening slot, the Adam "that's Mr." Smith "to you" directed play Baby in the Bathwater, a satirical look at life as deadbeat parents. For all those wondering, "Smithers" was my Gr. 10 drama teacher and all around great guy who's like 26 so you can carry a conversation with him without him either A) Giving you a detention (HA!) for swearing and/or calling him Adam, B) Boring you, or C) Dying of old age. There's no point going into plot details as both these plays are packed up and done so I don't want to waste my time telling you about plays you should have seen.

Speaking of plays, I should really get around to re-writing/adding things to my play "The Taming of a Witch" to get it ready (somewhat) for submission to Youth Infringement/Greer. I think I need to add a good 10 minutes to it not including the re-writes to make some of my existing stuff funny/not-so-boring. My deadline's tomorrow at midnight. Ahwooga.

Since the last time we talked, 24: Greatest Show Ever has debuted it's fourth season. Go watch. Now. Because in Jack's world, every minute counts.

There are news reports that people have been lining up since Friday night to just apply for a cross-boundary transfer to my school, Lisgar C. I. Take that Cantebury. I want to go down there today and do a Rick Mercer-esq piece with my digital camera which records video. Need to find someone to hold the camera...
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