HI everyone!
Thank you all for the comments and messages! I got REALLLLLLLY caught up in... well... CRAP. seriously. nothing of substance. But I will share!
First of all... my weakness. BoYS. yes. Looks like I've gained a following. When I first started a facebook account like 4 years ago in college I added promoters, djs, clubs, etc just so I can keep up... and all of a sudden every body wants me to party with them. They poke me, send me personal messages, etc... so I went and partied. A LOT. with all the boys who all the girls think are, for lack of better words, "the shit". and most of them are not! They pretty much think they deserve pretty girls and VIP, and that they are actualy doing something important... when in all actuality... all they do play music for money. Mix drinks for money. Invite people to parties for money. So... yeah... I had fun, but I'm weening myself off those dudes. Big egos. Little going on.
Not to say I'm not flattered by tons of "big name local guys" (if that makes any sense) begging for my attention. Made me feel special for a hot second. then I realized most of them are losers who don't really have too much going on. For example, I usually had a car, they didn't. I usually was younger with a more stable job. I love music so haning out with some local house djs and local drum n bass spinners and club promoters felt exciting. I cannot lie... but when thats all you got... when the music stops.. and its 4 am.. wtf are we gonna talk about on the ride home!
My work holiday party went goooood! yess..... and every one loved my dress! They called me the black jessica rabbit! wow! I heard I was the talk of the party... so the working out and calorie cutting to the extreme paid off. I had zero bloat in tha tdress :-)
Now I'm focused on working out for SPRING BREAK. I decided whatever I weigh now.. I wanna minus 20 off it. My wii fit isn't hooked up cuz my mom gave me a new tv and brought it all upstairs. I've been busy drinking and partying. So I'm gonna wiegh in tonight at the gym. I can weigh 99 lbs, I still need to lose 20 reguardless. I'm sure I gained a lil. Probably near the 112-117 area. If I know my body right now now.
ALSO I GAVE UP RED MEAT ... one step closer to vegandom annnddd... my bf flipped on me. seriously. like wtf. Speaking of which I pierced my nipples and haven't told him yet. He'll see whenever we have sex again. It might sound weird but I don't feel like it with him. He's pretty much shown me for years no matter what I'll be his gf and he'll put up with me, but he never gives me the approval I'm looking for when it comes to my lifestyle choices. Be it a peircing or a search for a healthier lifestyle. We fight about it. Cuz I don't complain about his lifestyle choices (smoking any and everything but crack -- gambling -- etc) cuz in the end that stuff doesn't matter. I like him. I dont have to like his hair cut or his cigarettes. But he makes it seem like he has to like my appearance and all this stuff that doesn't make/break our relationship. And I'm at my breaking point. Also, I have a couple side friends who have no problem going down on me when I want it with nothing in return. THey just want my attention and for me to make out with them a little. So yah. My bf can suck it if he really cannot deal with me being the me I want.
LONG STORY SHORT -- I wanna lose 20 lbs. I still haven't weighed in. I gave up red meat. My appearance is getting me even more attention than ever. I have a stead group of side guys to please me when I need it. My boyfriend still is annoying.
Whats new with all of you girls. I'm so sorry I got caught up in stupid crap that I never got to post. but sleeping in till noon on weekends and juggling bf, work, side bfs, etc... just got brutal!