Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
Last Wednesday I helped
lylaktoid across the street (6 points). In November I committed genocide... Sorry about that,
enigmakaty (-5000 points). In May I bought porn for
thumbtack4k (10 points). Last Monday I set
slippyskippy's puppy on fire (-66 points). Last Saturday I ruled Canada as a kind and benevolent dictator (7 points). In September I helped
wearywriter hide a body (-173 points). In December I caught a purse-snatcher who stole
b_phil's purse (30 points). Last week I gave change to a homeless guy (19 points). Last Sunday I had a shoot-out with rival gang lords on the 5 near LA (-76 points). In March I broke
mcxvvi's X-Box (-12 points).
Overall, I've been really fuckin' naughty (-5255 points). For Christmas I deserve a blowjob!
well... actually it was kevins x-box, but close enough
(ps... yes i did mess with the code... a little...)