It's been awhile since I updated, so I thought I'd post a little something. This weekend will be another photoshoot! It was kind of last minute, so Rachel and myself will only be hosting Mab for one day instead of both, and I'll only be able to go to the shoot on Sunday. It's unfortunate that I wasn't able to get off work on Saturday, but such is life. Also, because of time restraints I won't have any costume to wear on Sunday, but I will be wearing some snazzy outfits anyway. I know Miko (
animiko) will be there, and I'm excited to see her again. The photoshoot on Sunday will be at the Roswell Mill, see for more information.
What? Lum costume? That's right, for some crazy reason I still haven't finished it, but efforts are finally going strong again. Mom and I finally got the right pattern for the bikini bottoms figured out, and all the top needs is clasps. My semester has been absolutely nuts, so it's been really hard trying to keep things moving towards a goal of being finished. The costume WILL be finished for MetroCon on June the 2nd, which both Hannah and myself will be attending.
As for what else is planned this year: I'm unsure. I do intend on having another costume for AWA and Dragon*Con, but I'm not sure what I'll be able to do considering my lad of schoolwork, and that I will be busy for most of the summer. I'll be going to Italy in July! I do hope to be part of Dragon*Con's art show however, and may even be manning the KSU booth for a day or so with my friend and fellow student, Brian.
That's all for now! I'll update again after the photoshoot with some of my favorite shots! Oh, and don't think we forgot about the Valentine's Day decorations! Yes, they're still up, and yes our next layout is finished and ready to go, but Hannah is just as busy as I am, if not more, and so neither of us have time to be updating the site as much as we'd like to be. You'll see something new soon, probably before Metro. ^^