Apr 30, 2003 03:37
IVV JUST GBBEN HAVIN QUIIEEET NITTte plaayin on intorrneett havinn fun takkin quissses jakkKIN OFF TO SOMM PORNOSS!!!!!!11 THEERS THISss greet picstrhure wheeNRE TDDUDE STICKKS UMBRELELLA UP BITTSHSSES PUSSssy and then opssense it an her upussy all flopppin owt hhahahHAHAH HTAT UMBRELELA WEETTER ANY DAMM RAYNE STtorm11!!!!!!11ha hahahahha!!!!!!!11 but then litle wile aggGO LOOk out winddosw and it fuckkINn man standdni out there!!!!!!!!!!111~~` holLY FUCKKIN SHTI IT SLEENNARD COHEN CDUDE!!!!!!!!11 HESS FUCKKni stattrin at me as immM mjizzzzing my speresmm all overR RANDDYS COMPUTTER!!!!!!!!111` thatst so fuckkin fuckde up!!11 freeekins me outt!!!!!!11`~ then i noew iii gotta does som shiIT!! SO I RUN OUTSIDE OFFF TTRAYLER BUT I DONNTE SEE HIM NOWERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!`1@# I JUSS HER HIS LAFF FArr way like in dammn heeman movvies!!!!!!!!!!112 but thenn i sea thares a big fukkin tuuRD ON THE DORSTEP EWWWWW!!!!!!1 THEN AFTERRr sniffin it i seee a note stukkK ON SDOORR!!!!!!!11 IT SSEEEYS ''';'MISTTER HAIIRY COCANNE LARY.,BROTHRE OFFf the wind0-nemesssi born iIn and of THE SEX I BIRTHDDE..,>>YOU; LIKKE THE CLOKC SUBJIECT TO NOTthin but the timme"s persissteent deckKAY,,,A RE SOON TO FALL VICTTIM TO The eentrophy of youer own misddeds/ but itt is not th casse of your interrnail geeras grindinG AWYA BUT THOSE OF THE LARGER UNIVVERSE WE ARE ALL APART OF CRUSSHINgg down on to you!!11 alll thjings off time will stop!!!!!!!!1 this iss nothinNG NEW. BUT THE HOUER HAS BEFALLlen you!!!1 presed intTO YOUR FAcce , my fingger sit ss poissed wautung forr youre rhand to strikkE DEAAD IN ITTS TRACCK!!11! IWill seee you soonm,laRRY!1111111 0
MMAY YOUR BLOODRETURRN USs to love,lc '""oh shiIT THATT FUCKKakde! UP!!!!!!!!!11 THE LARRRry man nevre ben scared in intririe lifFE BUT IMM ALLMOSST SCARERD NOWW!!!!!!!!!!122# I WONRDRE IF I CAN GEtt them spsicks at werk to kill him foer me !!!!!!!!1222@ mexiccccnAS DO ANYTHING FOR MOENEY1@!!!!!!!