the nightmare is.....over?

May 28, 2005 16:06

It doesn't feel like it...but high school is finally over, FOREVER. No longer will I have to set foot in Milford's halls for classes - finally, afterr 4 years, it's done. Yesterday was our last day and I am LOVING IT. Prom was last night - that was soooooo awesome. Of course my dress stood out - there were a few other girls in bright green dresses (the prom queen had my first dress that I took back for my new one), but not as neon as my green. My hair was so cool - instead of having the typical curls and whatnot, I had pieces sticking up and stuff - very punk/emo. I had fun on the dance floor with Totiana (from work), Nick, Schwab, Nate, Gina, Diane, Will, Dan, and everyone else that hung out with us. I'm kinda bumming that it's over...and it still sucks that my stupid boyfriend wasn't there...but oh well.

In other news - I'm sick of dealing with people...especially the ones who talk shit about you, BEHIND YOUR BACK, and are supposed to be your friends. It's not that hard to be straight forward...but a lot of this doesn't even have to do with being straight forward - it has to do with people talking shit when they really have no idea what they're talking about. People who don't like the choices their friend makes, so they talk trash about them and make them sound like a horrible person when they're really not. However, it's nice that this is now in the open - bcuz now I know who to trust and who are the backstabbing bitches that I used to trust. This enlightenment makes me very happy.

So yah - if anyone wants to hang, call the cell.

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