Aug 25, 2006 01:59
UGH! I SERIOUSLY HATE BOYS! I do not understand them. like whatsoever. In fact, they piss me off so much I might need to either date a straight gay man or date a woman who had a sex change and has a dick but still thinks like a woman. I just can't turn lesbian. I've thought about that option, but yeah, just no.
So here's what usually happens. I meet a guy. Guy is great. I like guy. guy likes me. not to be cocky but I am a great girl. I have a good job, I have money, I am sweet and caring and nice and cute and blah blah blah I hear it all the damn time. Well then why don't people want to be with me? I ask you. Why. and why is it that the one I want to be with is just a moron about it? oh he acts like he likes me, we hang out all the time, his entire circle of people think were dating, but are we? nooooo. @%#$%#$^$%&$!
ok just had to get that out. but damn! is it just me? do other ppl have this problem? what the freakin hell?
In other news, I know live in the great state of Wisconsin. I like it here. the people are nice. I like my new job, the people there are cool. Teresa is coming to visit me in a week :-D and I made a friend at work. and I see above mentioned boy a lot. which I apparently can't seem to figure out. like one day its this and the next its that. ugh. then I obsess. and it sucks. I just wish one thing would work out for me once. just one time.
I'm excited, my Katie is back from Europe :-D weekly calls, go! and we are going to Chicago for my bday weekend. that will be fun! and then New Years in Vegas baby and March were going to Disneyworld :) I am so excited just to do the 11 drinks around the world at Epcot and be DRUNK! :)
well that's about it for me. I have to get up in 4 hours but I have a feeling im not gonna be sleeping tonight :( oh well at least its friday and i'll prolly be leaving about 3ish, go grocery shopping, go home and chill. do some work this weekend and some shopping and then sunday hang out with the boy.
time for me to head to bed. night night!