Jul 26, 2006 12:18
today i went to the dentist.
an hour long appointment, filled with 3 drill bits, 2 "spoons", and the greatest love ballads of the late 1980's. now i have have three new fillings, whatever they are, and three more to come on aug. 16 at 1:40pm.
the left side of my mouth is still numb, i feel like i'm choking on my big fatty tongue. i little bit ago i found out that my left nostril is also numb. i won't tell you how i found that out. i can also pull my left sideburn as hard as i want and it doesn't even hurt.
i've found the modern dentistry procedures to be pretty streamlined when compared to appointments of yore, when i would throw myself on the pavement and scream. all in all, the dentist ain't as bad as i remember. which isn't surprising, as i haven't been in about two years.