Dec 18, 2006 13:04
Monday Dec18- AM: Ran The Rick with Patrick and JJ. Went long early becuase have a scheduled final in the afternoon and want to watch the time trials. Left from comfort and came back to the GIAC. Got winterbreak plan, seems like training will be fun over break. Love getting plans. 8.5 miles.
Tuesday Dec19- AM: Ran 1xRoad Loop solo. Ankle a little stiff, but getting better. 1.5 miles.
PM: Ran Ithan with Paul, Joaks, Mush, Burgmann, and Jossi. Went very easy at beggining, but continually kept on picking up the pace. Run felt really long, dont think I'll do Ithan for a while, but Ankle felt great! Could turn perfectly normal and really open up the stride. 9.25 miles.
Wednesday Dec20- AM: Ran 1.33xNature Trail with Patrick and Danny. Ankle felt less stiff this morning, great by noon. 3 miles.
PM: Ran 2xMan Course with Jossi, Burgmann, and Miles. Felt good, although the hills made me out of breath. Good test for my ankle, held up, golf courses will definately strengthen it. 8 miles.
Thursday Dec21- PM: Ran Ravine->Ft Sheridan via Beach->Ft.S Ravine with Gallagher, Stoliar, Krauss, and Millenson, and some with Joey, Robbie, and Evan. Felt a little off, presumably from traveling and not eating really. Nice to be back home for more than a few days. 8 miles.
Friday Dec22- AM: Ran Heller with Robbie and Applebaum->Neighboordhood Tack solo. Felt alright, again, still a little off. Will feel better once in a morning routine etc. Heller was swamped, will have to give it a little bit of time. 9.75 miles.
PM: Ran 1xStandard Loop solo. 3.4 miles.
Saturday Dec23- AM: Ran all around HP with Stoliar, some with Gallagher, Yosi, Robbie and Applebaum. Ran around without a point really, but it got in the miles. Harbor afterwards. 10 miles.
PM: Ran 1xStandard Loop solo. 3.4 miles.
Sunday Dec24- AM: Ran GBT->Ravine with Gallagher from his house. Felt great, and meentally went by very quickly for a long run. 14 miles.
78.75 miles (67.5 on 7)