I think this sentence is just filler because I've been sitting here staring at the screen with so many thoughts running through my head that don't want to stop and be written out and explained except that I sat on the floor of a bookstore last night and read a crisp new copy of The Philosophy of Andy Warhol's chapter on death and I've been thinking about death in general which doesn't make any sense to me because it's so pretty outside and things have been going pretty well so I decided that there's nothing about death that's weird or bad if I can sit here on such a nice day and philosophize about it and the other night Nicole told me that her philosophy is that we don't really have fears it's just that we're afraid of death and I don't know if that could ever be any more true and easy to digest than it is right now it just seems like the last twelve hours or so have been very revelatory for me in the quietest of ways and sometimes that's the best way just like waking up happy or like when you're reading and you get to the end of a sentence and your brain stops at the dot and you have to stop and think about it because it's like the most impacting red light you've ever approached and you just put the book down.