›› 144: Winners

Nov 22, 2009 21:00

Great job guys, thanks for putting up with the extension xD

›› 1st Place

rynankh Nice icon! Since you've won twice in a row, I have to kindly request that you submit only two icons if you submit for week 145, thanks!

›› 2nd Place


›› 3rd Place


›› Most Creative


›› Mod's Choice

Great interpretation of the theme, I never would have thourhg of that! And if it didn't come through in the image it sure did with the text, which is well-placed on this busy image btw xD Nice!

›› If you won and would like a banner, please comment to this post with the image used in your icon (if you didn't use the image theme). If you do not, your banner will not be made.
›› If anyone would like to volunteer with banner-making or suggest a theme, please comment here.
›› pamparumpum will be making the banners this week. Please comment to confirm you can do it :3

Thanks again to everyone who participated this week! Next theme will be up in a bit~

winners, 144

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