April Challenge: "The Mirror Cracks"

Apr 30, 2012 17:12

Author: evil_little_dog
Fandoms: Angel the Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Fullmetal Alchemist
H/C: Combat; Loss of Limb Function

Title: The Mirror Cracks
Medium: Fanfiction
Rating: General
Warnings: Takes place during/just post "Not Fade Away" for AtS/BtVS and following "Inside the Stomach" for FMA.
Summary: Wolfram and Hart's Apocalypse is starting, but there are some extra players no one counted on.

prompt: fighting, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, [medium: fic], round: 2, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, amnesty: challenges: april, fandom: angel the series, prompt: loss of limb/amputation/mutilati

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