Dec 31, 2011 21:26

Author: jennytork
Fandoms: Supernatural
Prompts: coma, attacked by a creature, broken bones, mistaken identity, cuddling, hospital stay, nausea, unwanted transformation, taking care of somebody, caught in a robbery, moving, mental health issues, zombie apocalypse, Wild Card: skeletons in the closet, bullet wounds, lost childhood, interrogation, counseling, accidental mating for life, slaves, unexpected consequences of planned soulbonding, hallucinations, serial killers, confession in desperate situation, fall from grace

Title: Lisa's Tale
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: coma
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Season 6 AM
Summary: She had heard things and figured out something had happened to Sam. So she had to see for herself that Dean was okay.

Title: Freedom AU: Your Final Battlefield
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: attacked by a creature
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Show-level violence and canon deaths.
SUMMARY: Lilith and Alistair versus a pair of powerful Winchesters.

Title: I Hate This
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: broken bones
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, disability (Dean is deaf)
SUMMARY: John, meet wall. And stairs. And pain.

Title: After Yes Was Said
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: mistaken identity
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, religious references.
SUMMARY: Dean says yes - to the real Michael, not the fake one Zechariah is pushing on him. What happens now?

Title: Freedom AU: ...Will Set You Free
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: Cuddling
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Season 4 AU.
SUMMARY: Long-overdue talks and withdrawal mark a turning point in the brothers' relationship.

Title: Need To Be Here
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: hospital stay
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: A late night phone call sends Dean rushing to Stanford.

Title: Dean Vs Food
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: nausea
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: To save money, Dean attempts a marathon eating promotion. And then pays the price.

Title: Reset: Lexington Calling Stanford...
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: unwanted transformation
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU.
SUMMARY: The phone call that would change Sam Winchester's life came at noon on a busy Monday. His "little" brother needs his help.

Title: With A Human Face
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: taking care of somebody
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: child abuse
SUMMARY: Sometimes the evil things aren't supernatural at all. Sometimes, it's hard to know who to trust, especially when evil wears a human face.

Title: Who The Hell.... Walking Nightmare
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: caught in a robbery
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU. Dean and Sam are not quite themselves.
UMMARY: How the events of "Who The Hell..." came to be.

Title: Mileage: After The Fall
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: moving
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mileage AU. Dean and Sam are permanently in each other's bodies.
SUMMARY: Dean isn't quite sure of himself after a fall erases a crucial set of memories.

Title: Who the Hell... Snapshots
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: mental health issues
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU
SUMMARY: Just a few glimpses into Dean's life as he pretends to be Sam.

Title: Freedom AU: Prepare to Meet....
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: WILD CARD: skeletons in the closet
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: season 4 AU
SUMMARY: Does Dean have powers, or doesn't he? And why is he the only one who can use the incantation to send Lilith to Hell?

Title: Apocalypse: Stanford
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: zombie apocalypse
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU
SUMMARY: The world goes mad and zombies arise while Sam is away

Title: Unexpected
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: bullet wounds
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: Once they get comfortable around each other again after Sam's four-year-absence, Dean finds something unexpected on his brother's body.

Title: Finis Infantiae
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: lost childhood
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU. Canon character deaths and one tiny bit of gore
SUMMARY: Dean has the cure that will age him back to adulthood. He chose not to use it, but will an attack in their own home force his hand?

Title: Freedom AU: ...And the Truth...
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: interrogation
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: season 4 AU. Some overt sensuality.
SUMMARY: Ruby is telling Sam one thing. The Trickster is telling him another. Who is he going to believe?

Title: Free Me
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: counseling
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: season 4 AU.
SUMMARY: To move forward, Dean's time in Hell must be dealt with.

Title: Unexpected Landing
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: accidental mating for life
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: season 6 AU
SUMMARY: Sam is deaf, Cas is human. What is that strange tattoo that seems to be spontaneously growing on Dean?

Title: Mine
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: slaves
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: SEVERELY AU.
SUMMARY: In an eerily plausible future, what happens when a mother unexpectedly expects again? And what will happen when the children grow up?

Title: Vespers
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: unexpected consequences of planned soulbonding
Medium: Fic
Rating: G
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: Sam has found a way to break the deal. The aftermath is nothing like they expected.

Title: The Rules
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: hallucinations
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: The Winchesters had a few hard and fast rules.

Title: Schooled
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: serial killers
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: Hot on the trail of the infamous serial killers Dean and Sam Winchester, Hendrickson has an encounter that rocks his worldview.

Title: Alive
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: confession in desperate situation
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: A sleepy drive and a most unusual conversation.

Title: Middleman
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: fall from grace
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: implied child abuse

SUMMARY: When John wished that Dean wouldn't be in the middle anymore, he didn't dream it would turn out like this....

r: prompt: zombie apocalypse, prompt: broken bones, prompt: slaves, prompt: hallucinations/illusions, prompt: unwanted transformation, prompt: counseling, prompt: lost childhood, prompt: fall from grace, prompt: bullet wounds, round: 2, prompt: coma, prompt: cuddling, prompt: skeletons in the closet, prompt: mistaken identity, prompt: difficult/unexpected pregnancy, bingo: blackout, prompt: unexpected consequences soulbond, fandom: supernatural, prompt: hospital stay, prompt: mental health issues, [medium: fic], prompt: serial killers, prompt: nausea, prompt: interrogation

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