ancalime8301Fandoms: Sherlock Holmes (book canon, 2009 movie), Lord of the Rings
H/C: severe/life-threatening illness, isolation, broken bones, loss of vision, moving, forced to participate in illegal/hurtful activity, side effects, confession in desperate situation
Country HolidayFandom: Sherlock Holmes (book canon)
Prompt: severe/life-threatening illness
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 8,226
Warnings: none
Summary: Watson takes Holmes on holiday for his health, but even small country villages have crimes to solve.
AbysmFandom: Sherlock Holmes (book canon)
Prompt: isolation
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 3,995
Warnings: discussion of suicide, suicidal thoughts
Summary: Holmes has a difficult time adjusting to life after returning from his 'death' and retirement isn't the solution he'd hoped for.
SingularFandom: Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie)
Prompt: broken bones
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Wordcount: 17,405
Warnings: kidnapping, torture [first chapter], threesome [Holmes/Watson/Mary] in later chapters
Summary: Holmes and Watson recuperate from separate ordeals while kidnapped and their relationship takes on a new aspect.
PerceptionFandom: Sherlock Holmes (book canon)
Prompt: loss of vision
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 14,090
Warnings: none
Summary: Holmes is injured during a case and must cope with the possibility he may never fully regain his hearing or sight. Watson cares for him and must cope with the fact that he has feelings for Holmes.
UprootedFandom: Lord of the Rings (book)
Prompt: moving
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1,188
Warnings: none
Summary: Frodo packs up to move to Crickhollow.
Greater PurposeFandom: Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie)
Prompt: forced to participate in illegal/hurtful activity
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Wordcount: 21,703
Warnings: mpreg (or, more strictly, hermaphrodite-Holmes), rape, torture, childbirth, minor character deaths
Summary: Blackwood discovers a way to use Holmes' uniqueness to his own advantage.
StarvedFandom: Sherlock Holmes (book canon)
Prompt: side effects
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Wordcount: 633
Warnings: none
Summary: Holmes doesn't care for himself as well now that Watson has left.
RevelationsFandom: Sherlock Holmes (book canon)
Prompt: confession in desperate situation
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1,580
Warnings: none
Summary: A confrontation with a suspect leads Holmes to realize that his regard for Watson went deeper than he'd previously realized.