BINGO: Parallel Lines

Oct 22, 2011 12:20

Author: enigmaticblues
Fandoms: Angel, The Sentinel, Supernatural, Hawaii 5-0, Eureka
H/C: medication, accidents, WILD CARD (trust issues), mental health issues, hostages, mistaken identity, arrest, loss of job/income, bodyguards

Title: The Good Stuff
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: medication
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Sam knows better than anyone how far a person will go for a sick kid.

Title: I Once Was Lost
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: accidents
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Calling Cas is the last thing Dean wants to do.

Title: But Now I Am Found
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: WILD CARD (trust issues)
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Dean doesn't trust easily.

Title: Real or Not-Real
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: Mental health issues
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, self-harm
Summary: The thing is, Sam knows he's crazy.

Title: Fortune Favors
Fandom: The Sentinel
Prompt: Hostages
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: It should have been a simple trip to the bank.

Title: A Time to Mourn
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: mistaken identity
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death.
Summary: Dean has to take a second look.

Title: Flying Solo
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Prompt: arrest
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Kono surfs.

Title: Nothing Left to Lose
Fandom: Eureka
Prompt: loss of job/income
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
Summary: Jack isn't the only one who's had a crappy day.

Title: The Bodyguards
Fandom: Angel
Prompt: bodyguards
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
Summary: Faith is beginning to think she might make this a permanent thing.

fandom: eureka, prompt: accidents, round: 2, prompt: bodyguards, prompt: medication, prompt: mistaken identity, prompt: trust issues, bingo: parallel diagonals, fandom: supernatural, prompt: mental health issues, fandom: sentinel, [medium: fic], prompt: loss of job / income, prompt: hostages, fandom: hawaii five-o, prompt: arrest, fandom: angel the series

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