AMNESTY: 2 fics

Jun 02, 2011 06:52

Author: Gaby
Fandoms: NCIS
H/C: lacerations/knife wounds, post-traumatic stress disorder

Title: S'mores
Prompt: lacerations/knife wounds
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: None really.
Pairing: Gibbs/Tony (nothing explicit though)
Summary: Gibbs gets hurt. Tony needs comfort.

Title: Reintegration
Prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: very slight bondage, hot monkey sex (slash)
Pairing: Gibbs/Tony (first time)
Summary: "Reintegration" = military lingo for "the task of conducting appropriate debriefings and reintegrating recovered isolated personnel back
to duty and their family." That's exactly what Gibbs does with Tony. He just didn't expect the reintegration to become so...personal.

[medium: fic], prompt: post-traumatic stress disorder, fandom: ncis, prompt: lacerations / knife wounds, amnesty

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