May 01, 2011 08:08
Amnesty Challenge: April is now closed!
Thanks to everybody for playing in the mini-challenge! We've got your names, and you all earned 15 points towards round 2.
Note: if you submitted a challenge fill before the deadline and got rejected for incorrect formatting, you have an opportunity to re-submit the corrected version today and still get accepted.
Amnesty Round
A reminder, amnesty is still continuing and will last until June 1, 2011!
What can be submitted:
1. Anything that you wrote or made for hc_bingo but did not submit to the comm during round 1.
2. Anything that you write or make using prompts from your bingo card before June 1.
How to submit:
1. Post to the community using the usual posting template but with a slightly different subject line:
AMNESTY: [number and type of fills posted] (ex. AMNESTY: 2 Vids, 1 fic, etc).
2. You can submit one square at a time, or multiple squares.
3. You can submit during Amnesty more than once.
Share your works with us and we hope to see you in the Round 2!
round: 1,
amnesty: challenges: april