Announcements and Feedback Post

Jun 28, 2022 21:52

Dear players and friends, hello!

This amnesty round was a bit off-kilter, mostly due to your main mod being overwhelmed by the state of their part of the world in the moment. Thankfully, our second mod stepped into the breach and held everything together, but if you were wondering while the next round was delayed a bit, here's a reason. But have no fear!

Round 13 will begin on July 1st and last its usual time - until January 5th, 2023. We'll spend the time between then and now looking over the comm, delivering amnesty challenge banners (apologies for that delay!) and so on, and will open up as usual.

Feedback is very welcome on this post: from prompts you'd like to offer or retire to your experience with the last round and so on. Or just tell us some anecdote from your creative process :)

And lastly, an announcement: Round 13 will be the last round we'll hold on both DW and LJ; from Round 14 hc_bingo will move exlusively to DW. We know it'll be disruptive to some of you, and we're sorry about that; we tried to hold on for as long as possible, but as LJ is getting more and more unsafe security-wise and unwieldy to handle crosspost-wise, the hassle is just too much. We're not changing things around this year, because there's too little time for this adjustment, but by the next year, alas, it will be so. We hope for your understanding.

Thank you for sticking with us! Here's to Round 13, and to seeing you on July the first. Let's make some hurt/comfort happen.


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