Bingo: Diagonal Line

Dec 11, 2021 16:25

Author: inmh
Fandoms: The Dark Pictures Anthology (House of Ashes)
H/C: fire, muzzles/gags, wild card, fever/delirium, serial killers

Title: 20-Picture "Fire" Picspam (The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes)
Fandom: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Prompt: fire
Medium: Picspam
Word Count/Size: 20 Pictures
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Violence, Somewhat Disturbing Imagery
Summary: A picspam for the fiery end of many a vampire.

Title: Traversal
Fandom: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Prompt: muzzles/gags
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 7,000
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Strong Language
Summary: Salim can’t stay here.

Title: Limp
Fandom: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Prompt: wild card
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 3,629
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Strong Language, Past Violence
Summary: Eric’s leg (and marriage) is fucked.

Title: Kicker
Fandom: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Prompt: fever/delirium
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 6,396
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Salim is adjusting; Jason is stubborn.

Title: 20-Picture "Serial Killers" Picspam (The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes)
Fandom: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
Prompt: serial killers
Medium: Picspam
Word Count/Size: 20 Pictures
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Disturbing Imagery, Violence, Character Death
Summary: A picspam for Naram-Sin and his sacrifices.

Current Word Count (via AO3): 130,721

MODS: Each fill is for the same fandom, and should therefore qualify for the Steadfast Achievement.

[medium: fic], bingo: diagonal, fandom: dark pictures, prompt: serial killers, prompt: muzzles/gags, prompt: fever / delirium, prompt: fire, [medium: picspam], prompt: loss of limb/amputation/mutilati, round: 12

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