Bingo: Cross +

Sep 28, 2021 19:16

Author: inmh
Fandoms: Assassin’s Creed, BioShock: Infinite, Days Gone, Detroit: Become Human, Far Cry New Dawn, Heavy Rain, The Hobbit, Resident Evil, Until Dawn
H/C: robots/androids/AIs, blood loss, wild card (sacrifice), asking for help, forced to face fears, scars, fever/delirium, arrest, arena

Title: 20-Picture "Robots/Androids/AI" Picspam (Detroit: Become Human)
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Prompt: robots/androids/AIs
Medium: Picspam
Word Count/Size: 20 Pictures
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Implied Violence, Blood
Summary: A picspam for Detroit: Become Human.

Title: seep
Fandom: Days Gone
Prompt: blood loss
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 1,071
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Blood, Injury, Past Violence, Strong Language
Summary: It was a miracle Deacon made it back at all.

Title: the time i had with you (ethan & rose)
Fandom: Resident Evil Village
Prompt: wild card (sacrifice)
Medium: Video
Word Count/Size: 00:36 seconds
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood
Summary: A video for Ethan and Rose, at the end of the game.

Title: an inconvenient dissonance
Fandom: BioShock: Infinite
Prompt: asking for help
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 815
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Strong Language, Blood
Summary: Robert goes off-script for a moment.

Title: 20-Picture “Forced to Face Fears” Picspam (Heavy Rain)
Fandom: Heavy Rain
Prompt: forced to face fears
Medium: Picspam
Word Count/Size: 20 Pictures
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Implied Violence, Implied Child Death
Summary: A picspam for Ethan’s distress in the Lexington Station chapter.

Title: a reminder
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
Prompt: scars
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 1,111
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Past Violence, Past Blood/Injury, Past Murder Attempt
Summary: AU. Ceolbert is certain that Ivarr would consider this a lesson.

Title: Salvation
Fandom: Until Dawn
Prompt: fever/delirium
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 950
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Generally Disturbing Content, Blood, Gore, Implied/Referenced Death
Summary: AU. The mines reek of decay.

Title: 20-Picture "Imprisonment/Arrest" Picspam (The Hobbit)
Fandom: The Hobbit
Prompt: arrest
Medium: Picspam
Word Count/Size: 20 Pictures
Rating: PG/K+
Warnings: None
Summary: A picspam for the Company while detained in Mirkwood.

Title: Silver Lake
Fandom: Far Cry New Dawn
Prompt: arena
Medium: Fic
Word Count/Size: 824
Rating: R/M
Warnings: Past Violence, Blood, Injury, Strong Language
Summary: “Guess it used to be a trailer park.”

MODS: Each fill is for a different fandom, and should qualify for the All the Worlds Achievement.

fandom: hobbit, [medium: vid], bingo: cross, fandom: detroit become human, fandom: until dawn, [medium: picspam], fandom: resident evil, prompt: asking for help, prompt: blood loss, fandom: days gone, prompt: robots / androids, fandom: bioshock, prompt: arena, prompt: forced to face fear, prompt: sacrifice, [medium: fic], fandom: assassin's creed, fandom: heavy rain, prompt: scars, prompt: fever / delirium, fandom: far cry, prompt: arrest, round: 12

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