Round 12 - Posting Template

Jun 14, 2021 23:00


Once you have completed a bingo you must post it to the community to receive the banner and qualify for achievements. Please do not post links to single fills to the community unless it’s amnesty period or you’re submitting an extra.

You should post to the community you've signed up to, i.e. only to either LJ or DW, not both at once.

Please tag your post with already created tags (amnesty, amnesty challenge, bingo, extra, fandom, prompt, medium, round) and mods will create other tags as needed. You do not need to ask mods to create tags for you in your post.

Please note: To look up all the posts made to the community by you or some other player, add "?poster=USERNAME" to For example, to look up all the posts made by hc_bingo_mod, you need to go to the page

Post Warnings

Post must contain individual warnings for each fill.

Even if it is in the prompt you are still required to warn for rape/non-con, dub-con, incest, character death/suicide, graphic self-harm, any type of child/domestic abuse. The other warnings are left to your discretion but we strongly encourage you to warn as fully as possible. When in doubt please err on the side of caution.

Please do not warn for gen, slash, femslash or het; posts will be rejected and mods will ask that the warnings be removed when the post is resubmitted.

If you don't want to warn for something because it would spoil your story, please use this code from 's post on warnings to make a greyed-out warning readers can choose to read or not.


Posting Template:

Please title your post, "BINGO: diagonal line" or "BINGO: blackout" or "EXTRA: postage stamp story" or "EXTRA: double line stories" or whatever combo it is that you are submitting.

Then use this template for the body of the post:

Author: your name here
Fandoms: list of fandom(s) written
H/C: list of prompts written

(under a cut)
Title: name of first submission
Fandom: name of the fandom
Prompt: H/C prompt
Medium: fic, art, icon, recs post, vid etc
Warnings: all appropriate, etc
Summary: summary, notes, preview for icons etc. (optional)

Title: name of second submission
Fandom: name of the fandom
Prompt: H/C prompt
Medium: fic, art, icon, recs post, vid etc
Warnings: all appropriate, etc
Summary: summary, notes, preview for icons etc. (optional)
and so on.

Important:If you’re aiming for one or more content achievements, please add a line listing them in the end of the post, otherwise your bingo or extra won’t qualify for the achievement. If you're trying to get the Longest Journey achievement, please include your total wordcount for one bingo.

These are the required fields for your header. Summary is optional, though helpful. Wordcount can be replaced by "Size" for non-fic fills, but it's a mandatory field.

You may add more as you see fit (including a “Characters / Relationships” field), but posts that do not have the required fields will be rejected then asked to fix and resubmit. Copy and modify the following code for posting your bingo to the comm:

Author: your name here
Fandoms: list of fandom(s) written
H/C: list of prompts written

Title: name of first submission
Fandom: name of the fandom
Prompt: H/C prompt
Medium: fic, art, icon, recs post, vid etc
Warnings: all appropriate, etc
Summary: summary, notes, preview for icons etc. (optional)

Title: name of second submission
Fandom: name of the fandom
Prompt: H/C prompt
Medium: fic, art, icon, recs post, vid etc
Warnings: all appropriate, etc
Summary: summary, notes, preview for icons etc. (optional)

Your post should contain links to the individual fills. We do not host any fills on the comm.

There's an official AO3 collection for this round - you're welcome and encouraged to add your fills to it, but it's not mandatory.

#skip, !administrivia, !administrivia: posting, round: 12

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