AMNESTY: 3 fics

Jan 06, 2021 14:40

Author: backrose_17
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF and Torchwood
H/C: Family, sex pollen and survivor's guilt

Title: Love Me Anyway
Fandom: Torchwood
Prompt: survivor's guilt
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 1,252
Warnings: aftermath of being held captive of cannibals
Summary: The cannibals have left deep marks on the Torchwood team but none more than Ianto Jones. Jack decides that it is time to fix old wounds that is if Ianto will let him or will he be swallowed by the guilt that consumes him?

Title: You Can Count on Me
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Prompt: Family
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 568
Warnings: dealing with fans calling an actor homopbic because he doesn't support a fictional ship
Summary: The boys have faced their share of backlash but they have always had each other's backs and that will never change.

Title: Sex Pollen Can Be a Gift
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Prompt: sex pollen
Medium: fic
Wordcount: 694
Warnings: sex
Summary: Jared gets infected by sex pollen his husband is more than happy to help him deal with the effects.

prompt: sex pollen, round: 11, prompt: family, fandom: torchwood, amnesty, fandom: rpf: actors: supernatural, [medium: fic], prompt: survivors guilt

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