BINGO: Cross

Jan 02, 2021 15:21

Author: heatherofnight
Fandoms: Animal Kingdom, Nightwing, Nancy Drew
H/C: Confession in Desperate Situation, Toothache, Wildcard (Drowning), De-Age, Backrubs/Massages, Side Effects, Abandonment Issues, Falling, Insomnia

Title: The Plan
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: Confessions In Desperate Situation
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~1500
Rating: R
Summary: There was one problem with the plan: Deran, without Adrian around, was beginning to scare him. And Pope didn’t scare easily. Deran had adapted a who-gives-a-fuck attitude and at this rate, he wouldn’t live long enough to see Craig’s son Nicky hit his first birthday, not with the shitty decision making he’d been displaying lately.

Title: A Friend In Need
Fandom: Nancy Drew
Prompt: Toothache
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~2100
Rating: PG
Summary: A bit nervous about the whole thing, Ace took his baseball cap off and combed his hand through his hair. “I have to get my wisdom teeth out.”

Title: Carpe Diem
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: Drowning (Wildcard)
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~6500
Rating: R
Summary: Linc stepped out of the surf, seemingly unaffected by the swim. Adrian looked more pale than usual resting in Linc’s arms. His former fuck kneeled down on the sand, his current boyfriend sprawled over his lap. It was a weird moment.

Title: Sick
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: De-Age
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~3300
Rating: R
Summary: Sick of sleeping all of the time like the Goddamn teenager he looked like now. Sick of having to learn his body all over again. Most of all, sick of Deran avoiding him.

Title: It’s The End of The Work As We Know It
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: Backrubs/Massages
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~1200
Rating: R
Summary: Deran felt a tiny bit of guilt as the text notification pinged. The world was falling apart and he couldn’t have cared less at the moment.

Title: Lost
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: Side Effects
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~1800
Rating: R
Summary: Deran’s mind was buzzing. Doc Montoya thought Adrian was going to lose all of his memories and Pope believed her. Craig believed this shit, too. He didn’t know what to think but here he was, standing outside of Adrian’s room, listening to the others talk about how Adrian’s blood was going to be used to create a vaccine against this bitch of a virus but no one was talking about Adrian’s condition.

Title: Alone
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: Abandonment Issues
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~650
Rating: R
Summary: Adrian was up north with Pope. Craig was with Renn. Smurf was in jail. Deran was alone. Again.

Title: Fallen Angel
Fandom: Batman (Nightwing)
Prompt: Falling
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~5600
Rating: PG
Summary: Dick wasn’t pulling out of his dive. Dick was plummeting toward the ground. Jason fired off his grappling hook as he plotted a trajectory to intercept the wayward bird.

Title: Careful What You Wish For
Fandom: Animal Kingdom
Prompt: Insomnia
Medium: Fic
Wordcount: ~4600
Rating: R
Summary: Deran was just surviving, his mind and body numb, but still sleep eluded him. He’d been up at 5 a.m. cleaning the house, while Adrian slept. And Adrian slept. A lot. Deran knew that was probably due to the concussion but in some ways, Adrian was beginning to resemble a lazy cat, sleeping his days away in a patch of sunlight, allowing Deran to pet him when he was in the mood.

prompt: de-age, prompt: confession in desperate situatio, prompt: toothache, fandom: nancy drew, prompt: drowning, bingo: cross, round: 11, prompt: side effects, prompt: abandonment issues, [medium: fic], prompt: insomnia, prompt: falling, fandom: animal kingdom, fandom: batman, prompt: backrubs / massages

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