Bingo Vertical Line

Jan 05, 2020 12:08

Hurt and Comfort Bingo:

Aiming for: Single line bingo, Steadfast achievement, Serial Pleasures Achievement
Mods: I was unable to find a tag for touch-starved

Author: LFB72
Fandoms: Merlin
H/C: list of prompts written: Assault, Unconsciousness, Interrogation, Bruises, Touch-starved

Title: Art: Gratitude
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: Assault
Medium: Art /fic
Wordcount: 203
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur has lifted the ban on magic and made Merlin Court Sorcerer but when he visits him, Merlin nearly takes his head off with a blast of power.

Title: Sleeping Beauty
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: H/C unconsciousness
Medium: fic, art,
Warnings: none
Summary: An illustrated take on a Merlin version of Sleeping Beauty:
Merlin loved fairy tales, stories about dragons and knights, witches and warlocks. His favourite was Sleeping Beauty. To Merlin it wasn’t a pretty princess who slept trapped in a castle but a handsome prince.

As Merlin got older he still dreamed of the prince with golden hair and chiselled features, the image was so clear and it never changed - always the same man, in the same posture. The background altered a little, each year more cobwebs, more thorny vines encroaching, more cracks in the walls of the dilapidated castle.

Could it be real? Merlin goes on a magical quest to find out!

Title: Interrogation
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: Interrogation
Medium: fic, art
Wordcount 334
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur is going to do whatever it takes to get Merlin to tell the truth

Title: Art:Gladiator
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: Bruises
Medium: art,
Wordcount: none
Warnings: canon era violence
Summary: Art for Clea 2011's ACBB 2019. Nine pastel pieces including a title page, animation and 3 dividers.
When Cenred and his army of sorcerers conquer Camelot, Arthur loses everything. His home, his kingdom, his father, his sister… all are taken from him and he's forced to fight for his life for public entertainment. Thrown in with strangers, Arthur makes new friends and dangerous enemies. He knows he’s probably living on borrowed time but one man and a baby dragon just might make a difference - if he can survive his next fight.

Title: Our scars will reveal the truth
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: Touch-starved
Medium: fic, art
Wordcount: 2480
Warnings: None
Summary: To kiss a hurt away. Arthur is watching Merlin sleep after the Questing Beast incident. He sees the scar left by Nimueh and bends down to take a closer look, but Merlin wakes up and Arthur has to explain what he was doing.

Mods, I tried to put stuff under the cut but it just disappeared, then I tried inserting the 'cut' and it did not do anything sorry. This is the second time I tired as the first time it was rejected for incorrect formatting so I hope this is alright

prompt: assault, prompt: touch-starved, round: 10, [medium: art], prompt: unconsciousness, achievement: serial pleasures, bingo: straight line, fandom: merlin, [medium: fic], prompt: bruises, achievement: steadfast, prompt: interrogation

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