Feedback Post

May 17, 2019 23:13

Dear players, welcome! We're getting close to the end of amnesty and the beginning of Round 10. Can you believe our little bingo has been around for so long?

This is our tradition feedback post, but this year we'd like to hear your opinion on the State Of H/C Bingo as a whole.

For Round 10, should we:

- Run the round and then close the bingo up, because we had a good run, and can exit on a high note?*

- Continue running the bingo exactly as it is, with some minor tweaks (that you'll share in the comments)?

- Continue running the bingo but with some major changes (that you'll share in the comments)?

- Some other unforeseen option (that you'll share in the comments)?

* This is not a declaration of intent! We'd love to hear what you all think, but as far as we're concerned, we're happy to keep running it year after year for the foreseeable future.

And an additional question for LJ users: are you still using LJ as your primary accounts? Is the LJ mirror useful for you, or should we nix it and move to Dreamwidth fully?

And, of course, any usual feedback is welcome: share your experience, make suggestions, brag about your epic deeds, rec your favorite fills, et cetera.

As usual, all the suggestions will be carefully considered, but not guaranteed.

Thank you for staying with us all that time! It's been and continues to be a pretty good journey to share with you.

!administrivia: feedback, !administrivia

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