May Challenge: There’s hurt and there’s comfort

May 16, 2019 18:09

Author: dont_hate_me01
Fandoms: SEAL Team
H/C: Pneumonia; Hostile Climate; Loss of limb/Amputation/Mutilation; Minor illness or injury
Title: There's hurt and there's comfort
Medium: Fic
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Three short stories, containing some hurt and or injured Clay Spenser.

[medium: fic], prompt: pneumonia, prompt: hostile climate, round: 9, fandom: seal team, prompt: minor illness or injury, prompt: loss of limb/amputation/mutilati

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Comments 5

hc_bingo_mod May 16 2019, 19:30:53 UTC

... )


dont_hate_me01 May 17 2019, 15:00:31 UTC
Thank you!


sharpiesgal May 17 2019, 13:21:11 UTC
Nice job.

You must enjoy abusing Clay. Poor baby. *pets Clay*


dont_hate_me01 May 17 2019, 15:00:12 UTC
Think of it this way, if we don't abuse Clay, then we can't hug him or pet him. It's all for a good cause. :-)

Thank you for reading!


sharpiesgal May 17 2019, 21:51:40 UTC
Good point.

You're welcome.


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